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Turn Your Social Ad Clicks Into Revenue

Create the perfect landing pages for your social ad campaigns, track your results, and continually optimize your pages to get even more conversions out of your ad spend.

Where you send your ad traffic matters

Your ad is only part of the equation. Once someone clicks you need to send them somewhere they’ll convert—otherwise you could waste hundreds (or thousands) of dollars. Here’s why landing pages are king:

They’re specific
Tailor your landing pages to your ads and focus on a single product or service.
Illustrative Icons
No distractions
Remove links, menus, and anything else that will distract potential customers.
Online Sales & Payments
Get into buy mode
Most social users are passive—landing pages help switch them into a buying mindset.
smiling man holding phone with a list of new leads interface

5x your conversions

Your ad is only part of the equation. Where you send users after they click will determine whether they actually convert—or whether you just wasted hundreds (or thousands) of dollars. Build beautiful landing pages with a proven lead generation platform that boasts an average conversion rate that’s 5 times better than the industry average.

template gallery with landing page templates and a list of page types

Templates for every objective

Whether your social campaign is trying to grow your email list or sell your latest product, you’ll find landing page templates that are perfect for your unique goal. Plus, our templates have an average conversion rate of 11.7 %—5x higher than the industry average.

Launch social campaigns in a day or less

Never worry about delaying an ad campaign. Building your landing page is as easy as:

Ppc Ads Choose Your Template@2x
leadpages landing page with performance graphs views and conversions

Measure your progress

See traffic and conversion data right in your Leadpages dashboard and always know how each of your social campaigns are performing. Seamlessly integrate with Google Analytics, Hotjar, and other analytics tools for even more insights.

Optimize your campaigns with split testing (and RoAS)

Test different headline, image, and copy variations to ensure your landing pages are perfectly optimized for your audience. Watch your conversions and ROI tick up as you continually improve your landing page.

split testing tool interface elements for multivariate and a/b tests, and conversion rate graph
Get Started Today

Ready to launch high-converting social ad campaigns?

Try Leadpages free for 14 days and discover how easy it is to build profitable ad campaigns.