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A/B Test: Which Download Image Increased Opt-ins 13.76%?

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jul 29, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
Leadpages Team
By The Leadpages Team
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We’ve long noticed that many opt-in forms see their conversion rates spike once they add a compelling, colorful image (as compared to no image or a generic image). Why? One theory is that people like to see a preview of what they’re opting in for, and a graphic of that opt-in bribe can help. Or maybe it’s simply that a LeadBox™ graphic offers another spot for you to reinforce your brand’s image. Because these are just theories, the team behind our weekly podcast—ConversionCast with Tim Paige—decided to run an A/B test to determine which LeadBox™ image would best resonate with visitors. In Version A, we featured a branded arrow design featuring the ConversionCast name and logo. Version B focused less on the brand and more on the product, depicting an arrow pointing towards the call to action on top of a grayed-out copy of the lead magnet itself. Which version do you think increased opt-ins for this LeadBox™ by 13.76%? Go down to the comments and tell us which one you’d choose and why—then vote below to see if you were right! [split_test id="5862"]

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By The Leadpages Team
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