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Copywriting for Google Ads: Take Your Ads to the Next Level

By Ryan Truax  |  Published May 15, 2024  |  Updated Jul 12, 2024
Ryan Truax
By Ryan Truax

With over nine years in SaaS and leadership, Ryan’s touched virtually every marketing discipline.

Copywriting Google Ads 1

If you’re thinking about advertising on Google, then you’ll need to learn copywriting for Google Ads. Well-written and persuasive copy will boost your conversion rate, so it’s important to at least know the basics. Keep reading to learn all the best practices and get some tips that will help you write profitable Google Ads for your business.

What is Google Ads copywriting?

Google Ads copywriting is the art of crafting compelling and concise text that grabs attention and drives action. Google limits how many characters you have to work with, so you need to make every word count to create a powerful message that resonates with your target audience and prompts them to click through to your PPC landing page.

Copywriting for Google Ads requires understanding your audience’s needs and pain points, and then presenting a solution they can't resist. It involves testing different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action to find what works best. The goal is to maximize your ad spend by ensuring your ads not only get seen but also convert.

Copywriting for Google Ads example

Why is copywriting for Google Ads important?

Copywriting for Google Ads is crucial because it’s often the first impression you make with potential customers. Well-crafted ad copy can significantly increase your click-through rates, making your ad spend more effective and delivering a better return on ad spend (RoAS).

Effective Google Ads copywriting also ensures your ads are relevant to your target audience. By speaking directly to their needs and desires, you enhance the chances of conversion. It’s not just about visibility, it’s about engagement. The right words will turn a casual browser into a committed customer, boosting your sales and business growth.

Essentially, good Google Ads copy is the difference between a successful campaign and one that’s ignored.

Types of Google Ads

There are seven types of Google Ads, each with their own copywriting requirements:

Types of Google Ads
  1. Search Ads: These appear at the top of Google search results pages when users query specific keywords. They require both headline and description copy.
  2. Display Ads: These visual ads appear on websites within Google’s Display Network. In addition to headline and description copy you’ll also need to consider the copy on your images.
  3. Video Ads: Shown on YouTube and other Google partner sites, these ads will need video title, description copy, and call to action (CTA).
  4. Shopping Ads: Perfect for e-commerce, these ads display product images, prices, and merchant names. You’ll need to write titles and descriptions for each product.
  5. App Promotion Ads: These ads drive app downloads and engagement, appearing across Google Search, Play, YouTube, and the Display Network. Like most other Google Ads, they require headline, description, and CTA copy.
  6. Local Ads: Designed to drive foot traffic to physical stores, these ads appear on Google Maps and local search results, targeting users nearby. Each ad needs a headline, description, and CTA.
  7. Smart Ads: Automated and optimized by Google’s AI, these ads use machine learning to improve performance based on your business goals. These also need a headline, description, and CTA.
Google Ads copywriting requirements

Copywriting for Google Ads best practices

Okay, so now you understand what Google Ads copywriting is and why it’s so important. Ready to write your own ad copy? Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

Know your audience

Understanding your audience is one of the cornerstones of effective Google Ads copywriting. Start by defining your target demographic—consider factors like age, gender, location, interests, and buying behavior. The more precise you are, the better you’ll tailor your message to resonate with them. Use tools like Google Analytics and customer surveys to gather insights into what your audience cares about.

Once you know your audience, craft your ad copy to address their specific needs and pain points. Speak their language and focus on the benefits that matter most to them. For instance, if you're targeting busy professionals, highlight how your product saves time and increases efficiency. This type of personalization makes your ads more relevant, increasing the likelihood of clicks and conversions.

Incorporate relevant keywords

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover high-volume keywords that align with your campaign objectives.

Once you have your keywords, strategically integrate them into your ad headlines and descriptions. Aim to include your primary keywords early in the headline to immediately capture the attention of users searching for those terms. Use variations of your keywords naturally throughout the ad copy to reinforce relevance and improve your Quality Score.

Remember, while keywords are crucial, you need to ensure your copy remains clear, compelling, and focused on addressing user intent. Avoid keyword stuffing, which harms readability and user experience. Instead, prioritize crafting persuasive copy that speaks directly to your audience’s needs and encourages them to take action, supported by strategically placed keywords that enhance ad performance.

Craft compelling headlines

When it comes to headlines, focus on clarity and relevance. Your headline should clearly convey what your ad is offering and why it's valuable to the user. Use action-oriented language that prompts immediate engagement, such as verbs like "Discover," "Shop," or "Save."

Additionally, highlight your unique selling propositions (USPs) in your headlines. What sets your product or service apart from competitors? Whether it's a special offer, unique feature, or exclusive benefit, emphasize it to capture interest. Consider incorporating numbers or statistics to add credibility and attract attention, such as "50% Off Today Only" or "Rated #1 in Customer Satisfaction."

Keep your copy clear and concise

When writing your copy, eliminate unnecessary words and get straight to the point with clear and straightforward language. Users should grasp the essence of your ad at a glance, without having to decipher complex or ambiguous wording.

Avoid ambiguity and ensure your ad copy aligns closely with user intent. Clearly outline what you're offering, whether it's a product, service, promotion, or solution to a problem. By maintaining clarity and conciseness, you increase the likelihood that users will engage with your ad and take the desired action, ultimately driving better results for your Google Ads campaigns.

Test and optimize your ads

A/B tests let you create different variations of your ad copy and test them to see which ones perform better. Start by conducting A/B tests on different elements of your ads, such as headlines, descriptions, CTAs. By testing variations against each other, you can gather valuable insights into what resonates best with your audience and drives the highest engagement and conversion rates.

Keep optimizing your ads by analyzing the performance data from your tests. Look at metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per acquisition (CPA) to determine which variations are delivering the best results. Use this data to make informed decisions about which elements to keep, modify, or discard in future iterations of your ads.

By testing and optimizing systematically, you can maximize your return on ad spend (RoAS) and achieve long-term success with your advertising campaigns.

Align your ad copy with your landing page

When users click on your ad, they expect to find information that matches what was promised in the ad copy. Consistency between your ad and landing page builds trust and credibility, reassuring users that they’re in the right place to find what they’re looking for.

Make sure to use similar language, headlines, and imagery on your landing page that users saw in your ad. This continuity reinforces the user's decision to click through.

Copywriting for Google Ads landing page example

Perhaps most importantly, aligning your ad copy to your landing page improves Quality Score—a metric Google uses to determine ad placement and cost-per-click (CPC). When users have a positive experience and find what they expect on your landing page, they're more likely to engage with your site, stay longer, and convert. This, in turn, can lead to a lower CPC and higher ad positions, ultimately maximizing the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns.

Leverage emotional triggers

Emotions like excitement, fear of missing out (FOMO), joy, or a sense of belonging will compel users to take action. By understanding your target audience's emotional drivers, you can craft ad copy that resonates with them and prompts them to click through to your landing page.

Invoking these types of emotions in your ad copy not only increases click-through rates but also strengthens brand recall and customer loyalty. Your ads will become more memorable and impactful, driving immediate actions and fostering long-term connections with your audience.

Include strong calls to action

A clear and compelling CTA, such as "Shop Now" or "Sign Up Today," directs users to take the next step. This prompts immediate engagement and reinforces the ad's purpose, ensuring users know what action to take upon landing on your page.

Moreover, strong CTAs enhance ad effectiveness by creating a sense of urgency or exclusivity. Phrases like "Limited Time Offer" or "Act Now" motivate users to click through and convert.

Adhere to Google’s policies

Keep Google’s policies in mind when writing your copy. Most importantly, avoid content that’s prohibited or restricted, don’t be deceptive in any way, don’t promote unsafe activities, respect trademarks, and follow the guidelines set forth for each ad format.

Violating these policies can result in ad disapproval, restrictions on ad serving, or even account suspension. This not only hinders your campaign's performance but also damages your brand reputation and trust with users.

Need help with your Google Ads copywriting?

So now you know how to write high-converting Google Ads copy. But maybe you don’t have the time to do it yourself, or maybe you’d just feel better having an expert do it for you.

Leadpages Performance Marketing Agency is made up of a team of expert copywriters. We’ve collected conversion data and insights for over 11 years, so we know what works and what doesn’t. Our team will craft ads that capture users’ attention and urge them to click.

We’ll also set up and launch your campaign, saving you time and hassle. That way you can spend less time on marketing and more time building your business.

Sound good? Let’s talk.

Copywriting for Google Ads case study

So, just how big of a difference does good copywriting for Google Ads make? Hungry Dogs found out when they started working with Leadpages Performance Marketing Agency.

They had been trying to promote their sports programs for kids online but weren’t getting the results they were looking for, so they turned to Leadpages to help get their campaigns on track.

We optimized all areas of their ads, including their copy. This involved not only making sure the copy generated clicks, but also ensuring it was relevant to the landing page copy.

Hungry Dogs noticed a difference right away, with their clickthrough rate improving by 33%. That’s a lot more people getting exposed to their brand and a lot more potential customers.

Frequently asked questions about copywriting for Google Ads

Still have questions about Google Ads copywriting? Don’t worry, we have answers. Here are some of the most common questions we receive.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in Google Ads copywriting?

Common mistakes include keyword stuffing, misleading claims, ignoring audience targeting, neglecting to test ad variations, and not aligning ad copy with landing page content. It's also crucial to stay updated on Google's policies and guidelines to avoid ad disapproval or account suspension.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my Google Ads copy?

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rate, conversion rate, cost per acquisition (CPA), and return on ad spend (RoAS). Use Google Ads analytics tools to monitor ad performance, conduct A/B tests, and optimize your campaigns based on data insights. You’ll also want to track your landing page analytics to make sure your ad clicks are leading to conversions.

Leadpages Copywriting For Google Ads Tracking And Analytics

What are ad extensions and how do they enhance ad copy?

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that expand your ad and provide more context. Examples include site links, callouts, and structured snippets. They enhance ad copy by offering more value, increasing visibility, and providing users with more reasons to click. Ad extensions can also improve CTR and overall ad performance.

What are the benefits of hiring an agency to write my Google Ads for me?

Hiring an agency will ensure high-quality ad copy that resonates with your target audience. They not only bring expertise in copywriting, but also in optimizing ad performance and adhering to best practices and policies. This investment can lead to improved ad performance, increased ROI, and better overall campaign results.

Ready to create your own Google Ads?

Now that you know everything about copywriting for Google Ads it’s time to get to work. Craft some high-converting copy and then share it with the world to start getting those leads and sales. And remember, if you need a helping hand Leadpages Performance Marketing Agency is ready and willing to assist you.

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Ryan Truax
By Ryan Truax

As a people-first marketing leader, Ryan focuses on simplifying the complex and delivering exceptional value to businesses of all sizes. With over nine years in SaaS, he’s built teams that were included on the Inc 500 fastest growing list, and touched virtually every marketing discipline, including creative direction, demand generation, and advertising.

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