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[Podcast] 23 Tips for Better Marketing Webinars (Daniel Waas, GoToWebinar)

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Sep 24, 2019  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
Leadpages Team
By The Leadpages Team
Daniel Waas GoToWebinar Webinar Wrangler

Quick take: Getting started with marketing webinars is a lot less intimidating when you have the right game plan. Shortcut your webinar learning curve with today's conversation with GoToWebinar's Director of Marketing, Daniel Waas.

Each week I sit down with incredible entrepreneurs and marketing minds to bring you inspiring and actionable lessons you can use to start and grow your coaching, consulting, or service-based business. Be sure to subscribe above so you don’t miss an episode.

If you’ve ever wanted to run webinars to promote your business but were too intimidated to get started, you’re going to love this week’s episode. My conversation is with Daniel Waas, the Director of Marketing at GoToWebinar. Originally from Germany, Daniel is on a mad mission to end all dull webinars. In this episode, Daniel shares over 20 specific tips for getting started with webinars, including when to schedule your webinar, how to get more people to show up, and how to boost engagement of your audience during your trainings.

Transcripts, resources, and top-takeaways are below.

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Top Takeaways

If you’re short on time, here are a few golden nuggets from our conversation and the resources mentioned.

  • Rehearse your presentation. Practicing your webinar enough to allow for spontaneity will boost your results.
  • Webinars allow you to scale your relationship building. Teaching your audience via live webinar allows for personality and interaction, without as much busywork as 1:1 sales.
  • Webinars typically convert better than Facebook Live or other social video. The average live webinar attendance is 61 minutes, and convert because of their event nature.
  • Promote both live and on-demand. Make it worthwhile for people to show up live, while also giving those with time conflicts opportunities to attend on their schedule.
  • Engage your audience. Start with light, pre-webinar chatter that gets your audience ready to interact, and include polls and Q&A throughout your presentation.

Resources Mentioned

Get to know Daniel Waas

Bob: Daniel Waas, it is so great to see you on today's episode of The Lead Generation. Thanks so much for jumping on.

Daniel: Thanks much for having me. I'm really excited to be here and share some tidbits.

Bob: Yeah, and you're just coming fresh off a presentation at HubSpot's INBOUND conference, so it's really a pleasure to be able to have your insights in the webinar world. Before we get into those, though, I'd love for people to get to know just a little bit about you. What I’d like to know is, how does the work that you do impact the clients that you serve through LogMeIn and GoToWebinar specifically?

Daniel: For our customers, one of their main questions is not necessarily, "How do I use a webinar tool?" The key question is, "How do I do webinars, period? How do I do the whole thing?" Because, there's a lot of stuff that goes into doing this well. My role at GoToWebinar is, of course, on the one hand, a product role working with the product teams to create a better product. But the main role for me is to educate our customers and our prospects on how to do webinars well.

Bob: That's awesome. Of course, if they do follow your advice and they take a look at some of the analysis that you've done, they can shortcut a lot of the learning curve. I know I've been doing this since 2007 myself, and I wish I would have known by 2010, the things that you're going to be sharing in today's session. So, thanks for that.

Daniel: Yes. On my page somewhere I say, "Mostly, I've learned all of this stuff, mostly, by falling flat on my face." So yes, you totally can take a shortcut and avoid a lot of facial damage if you follow that stuff from the beginning.

3 ways to overcome the fear of presenting webinars

Bob: Indeed. I think I'd love to start there, really, falling on our faces. I think a lot of people might be hesitant towards doing webinars because they have a fear of looking bad or they have a fear of not doing enough. I'd love for you to share, first of all, did you ever have that kind of experience? And two, what are some tricks that you do or that you teach to your audience to get over that fear so that webinars can be a major part of their marketing?

Daniel: For me, just being out there and talking used to be a major fear, and it's luckily not anymore. So, I'm living proof that you can actually make this work and learn this over time. When I was a student, I had this time in ninth grade, 10th grade, when the teacher would call on me with a question, and I had raised my hand for an answer, and my mind would go blank, I would lose everything, and I would just sit there unable to give an answer.

That became so frustrating that I really got this anxiety for putting my hand up. Right? Like, even today, if I'm at a conference, I find it easier to speak onstage at INBOUND, then I find it being in the audience and going the microphone and ask a question? That is still harder for me than actually being on stage, just kind of ironic.

In 2011, I've been working for a company called Netviewer in Germany, and I was promoted to director roles. I had reasons to speak, I had a need to speak at events and I felt uncomfortable with it. So, I did the spider thing, right? The confrontational therapy of, "Well, just sign up." So, I signed up for Email Marketing Summit for a talk, and then I was committed, and then I realized, Okay, now you're going to have to go do it. So I prepared for it hard, and then I went there, and it worked out.

Here are the three things that I think make a difference and make it easier. Number one, know your content intimately inside out. So, I picked a case study at the time about implementing marketing automation. We were one of the first Eloqua customers in Germany. So, I use that because I had been working on that for 16 months straight at the time, so I knew it inside out. So, being familiar with your topic. If you're not familiar, like building that familiarity, and an understanding of what you're going to be talking about.

Number two is rehearsing. I rehearse until I feel like the rehearsals get worse. It's usually a good sign for me that I'm where I need to be. If you read up on this, Steve Jobs used to rehearse weeks in advance of his Keynotes. What I like about the rehearsal is it gets you to a point where you can be spontaneous as you give your talk because you know everything and it just flows naturally. Then, you're much more free to pick up audience interaction and stuff like that.

So, that's number two. Then, number three, I think, goes back to your initial question, and that is just be yourself. Right? So, falling on your face. You will fall on your face, and there's really no way to avoid it. But the reality is if that keeps you from experimenting, then you're never going to get the full results, and you're never going to get great at it. Falling on your face is part of it. I think owning up to that and having fun with that and not taking yourself too seriously is my advice for how to deal with it.

Because time and again when we do screw up on the webinars, and those happen every now and then, my experience has been, if you're open about it, customers actually respond really well to that. Respond really well to being open and honest about what went wrong, and how you felt at the time.

Bob: Yeah, that's fantastic. One of the bits of advice I love to share in that same world is your first webinar is never your last webinar. So for those of you listening, you've just had never done one because you've always been petrified of what that's like, give yourself permission to have an audience of three people that all share your last name. Do whatever you can to make it fun, but recognize that it's not your last one.

Secondly, your webinars are never about you, right? They're always about your audience. So, that was the trick for me whenever I wanted to give presentations, I still do that now, I always think, "What's my audience really need from this presentation?" I focus on that, and it's super helpful for me to do that.

When starting to do webinars makes sense for a small business

Bob: So, there's a lot of things to try to get right when doing a webinar and from a strategic perspective as well as a tactical perspective. So, let's start strategy first of all. When a small business owner or a coach or consultant, somebody who is doing their own marketing, thinks about all the different things they can use to market their business, when should webinars pop up as a priority? So our listeners today can say, "You know what? By the end of October, I want to make sure I have at least one webinar on the books."

Daniel: So, here's what I would recommend. Once you have an audience, once you have a little bit of a listening audience, I wouldn't recommend it as the first tactic to try and build your list and build your audience. But once you have an audience, especially if you're just by yourself, I would add that a webinar is when I have an audience and I want to scale the relationship building with that audience. Here's why.

To me, webinars are unique in one way. They're unique in that you can reach a large amount of people at the same time, and be yourself, and be real, and give them an opportunity to understand who you are as a person. I pitched that to solopreneurs, but I also pitch that to big B2B companies because, in a lot of cases, we have all this automation going on, right? Like, we've got our drips set up, and we've got our own website set up, and everything's automated down to the chatbots. So, that doesn't leave a lot of room for personal engagement.

The cool thing about a live webinar is that it gives you a ton of room for personal engagement, but at scale. You don't have to do it on a one-on-one basis. So, you don't have to come up with the 100 unique ways to email 100 different people, but it still gives you an opportunity to bring your personality across, and be approachable without the need for a ton of busywork. So, that's where I think they come in and where they really shine.

Webinars vs. Facebook Live

Bob: That's cool. One of the things that people are doing these days, a lot, are interactions with their audiences, and they're doing Instagram Stories or they're doing Facebook Live, or they're doing these other mechanisms. When would you say it is a good idea to do what I see as a kind of a more formal presentation, like with GoToWebinar, versus doing something on a social media platform that might have a video presentation included in it?

Daniel: That is a great question and one that I'm getting a lot. Like, "Hey, I'm already doing video. I'm already doing live video. Why add webinars to that?"

To me, the main difference is that webinars have this event character. So, that means you have a reason to bring people together at the same time, in the same space. The average attendance time, so the average time someone spends on a webinar is 61 minutes. Where else you have 61 minutes to spend with a customer or prospect?

Those 61 minutes, if you deliver value in that timeframe, webinars are far better at actually converting people into the business, into whatever it is that you have as your outcome. Be it like training and educating, or selling your service, or selling your product than a traditional Livestream.

There's just more commitment by people having reserved their seats and showing up on time. That is why I think you should still use it even if you are doing a ton of video production. If you're doing a live video, this is the way that you can actually convert your audience into business.

Bob: I loved that, typically speaking and using webinar platforms, like GoToWebinar, you are also simultaneously building your list, not just an ad hoc audience that may or may not see you in their feed at some point in the future, too.

Daniel: Yes, this is the captive, owned audience. You have to rely on the algorithm to hopefully get it in front of someone. It's like these are people you then have on your list and can continue the conversation.

What’s the best time to do a webinar?

Bob: Cool. Now, the rest of the questions I'm going to ask you, at least for this next little bit, are more tactical in nature. One of the things that I love is that you have an analysis of over, what, half a million webinars or something that you have been able to do since you are privy to lots and lots of webinars as a leading webinar platform in this space.

So, let's talk tactically about a few things. First and foremost, once I've decided to do a webinar, when should I host it? I'm going to do a live webinar, I'm sure you get this question a lot, what day of the week, what time of day tends to set me up for success?

Daniel: So, there's a proven best practice where you get, overall, the highest attendance, and that ends up being Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the days of the week. So, you want to do it in the middle of the week. Avoid Monday, Friday, definitely avoid the weekends. So, those three days, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Then the times, if you're hosting for a single time zone, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM are usually good times. Noon can also work. At 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM are a super safe bet.

If you're hosting, let's say you're in the U.S. and you're hosting for, on a national level, for the complete U.S., then you can take the 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM as the West Coast time. And accordingly, that ends up being 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM on the East Coast. So, those are good, good times for the U.S.

This is the starting point. Now, caveat, you should still experiment. This is also when most webinars happen. It's a time when people are generally available, so it works, but you should experiment.

So let's say you're in retail, and you're trying to talk to people that are on the shop floor, then 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM is terrible advice because they're not going to be able to join you. Right? Then, you'd wanted to do it at 8:00 AM.

Or for our customer webinars, our customer webinars often get higher attendance rates on Fridays, because our customers are busy hosting webinars on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Right? So, you should still experiment with that. But for a starting point, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, that's usually a good time to start.

Tips to a better webinar title

Bob: All right, cool. Then, let's talk for a minute about the title of webinars because when people come to a registration page, the first thing they see is this headline of what they're going to get out of attending. Any tidbits of advice that you've been able to glean from all the analysis you've done on how to properly title webinars so people are really eager to sign up and to attend?

Daniel: Yes. This is probably one of my favorite topics ever. There are two elements to this. One is just the tactics of picking a good headline, but the other one is content and audience fit, right? Like, understanding your audience, who they are, what their pain points are, what their challenges are. Then based on that, giving them content that answers these questions, gives them the answer to those challenges, right?

So, that is one for all audiences.

I actually talked about INBOUND in the topic, because I had these two webinars. We did everything in the same. Same time, same promotion tactics, same schedule, same audience, same email list and so on. One performed 3.6 times better than the other. The only reason is the topic actually resonated with the audience much better, right? So, investing that time upfront and not taking shortcuts to understand who your audiences, that's one critical element.

Then, that hopefully translates into a good topic, right? So, we know webinars aren't all that different from other content. If you think what works for a blog post, such as how-to-based content, list-based content, right? You have 55 tips to whatever, that ends up working well. Timely stuff, right? Industry and news, stuff that keys into that, that can work well.

Then, just taking a swipe file and turning that into a great webinar title and one that's compelling.

So, I have one kit, and this is actually a good time to share the link. So, we have a booklet ready, Webinars Stats for 2019, and I think that includes some headline advice as well. So, you can find that daniewaas.com/webinarstats. I'm sure that's going to be in the show notes somewhere.

Bob: Of course.

Daniel: That has a big, massive PDF with lots of webinars stats, and I think the titles that are in there.

Bob: Awesome. Again, this is from over a quarter million webinars that have been run through the GoToWebinar system over the last couple of years. So, very nice.

Daniel: That was fun. My head exploded when I looked at the data.

Bob: I bet.

Get more people to show up for your live webinar

Bob: So, we've got an exciting title, we've got a cool webinar. How do we get people to actually show up? Because you know from my vantage point, if you can get 20% attendance, you're doing well these days for live attendance. I know some people can do higher, some people do lower.

What are some ways that you have found people can get people to show up? Is it a matter of when to promote it? Is it a matter of how much you talk beforehand, and email? Tell us about some of those characteristics that make for a better track record of getting people to show up.

Daniel: Yeah. So if you have good topic audiences fit, you've already done well, so you've already got the first ingredient. But then, our customers ask me a lot, "Well what about my attendance rate?" I think to some degree that question is misguided, and there are two reasons.

Reason number one, people do like watching on-demand. There's a segment of the people, about 26% according to this survey, is that they don't want to show up live in the first place. So, you want to make sure that you have the stuff available on-demand, that you record it, they can make it available. So, 26% of people didn't want to come in the first place.

The other thing is that with attendance rate if we look at the top 100 webinars hosted on GoToWebinar in any given year, about 40% of those have a terrible, terrible, awful attendance rate, 12%, 15%. Yet, they are among the top webinars because they have the most attendees.

What did they do? Well, they did an amazing job at promoting, right? They did way more. They put way more effort into promoting. So, there's a limited amount of control you have over the attendance rate. I'm going to go over a couple of things that you can do, but you have a limited impact on it. What you can impact, though, is promotion. So, here are the things that work for promotion.

Number one: email. So, 70% of webinar signups are driven by email. That means you want to start out with a pretty strong email list. If you don't have an email list, yes, webinars are one way that can help you build one, but probably not the prime tactic for building a list. So, I would start there. I would start investing into building an email list.

All right, great. The second best tactic is more email, and that is using someone else's email list. So co-marketing, getting together with someone that has an adjacent offer, what is not competitive to what you do. Partnering up, hitting the same audience. You put the content together jointly, you present jointly, and you both promote to your audiences. That's another great way of being cross-pollinated and introduced to a new audience, right? So, that's number two.

The number three that we've found works is if you have paid budget to put behind the promotion. Try Facebook ads. Try Facebook ads, video ads on Facebook. You can get this to work on interest-based targeting, you can get it to work on retargeting, you can get it to work on the basis of a lookalike audience, right? So if you have budget to invest, that is probably the first paid tactic I would try. So, these are the three ways to promote that can help you fill those seats.

Now, I want to get back to the question of, "Well, what about attendance rate? What can I do for attendance rate?" Scheduling is one part, and we already talked about the best times, right? So, the number one reason why people don't attend is that they have a conflict. So, there was one super simple thing that you can do. That is, if you have a webinar that you know the topic is going to work awesomely well, you've done this as a blog post, you've done this on social, so you know this content is going to kill it, just schedule it for two different times.

You can sometimes get twice the number of people attending just by giving them another option for when this should be. All right, so that is one.

The other thing that you can do is in your reminder cadence, just make sure you have three reminders going on. A week before, a day before, an hour before is usually a pretty good ideal for a reminder sequence. If you can get a little creative in your reminders, that doesn't hurt as well. So maybe put a video in your email reminder, and personally plead for people to be there, that can help.

Then, text message reminders. So, think about collecting phone numbers of people on the form in return for a text message reminder. For GoToWebinar, for example, I'm sure that's true for other platforms, you can use a connector like Zapier to connect it to a text message platform, and then send text minutes reminder. That's another way.

The last one that I'll want to give out is that you can help is if you offer a freebie for people that attend. "Hey, by the way, yes, this is all going to be recorded, but if you come to the live session, here's something that you're going to get that people that won't come won't get." Be it an ebook or be it some kind of goodie that you're handing out. That's another way to up attendance rate.

Bob: Cool. Well, this is definitely a lot to chew on for that question. I love everyone of those, and they've certainly helped us at Leadpages to do the improvements of those tips, indeed.

What should you teach on a webinar?

Bob: Let's talk a little bit about the content in the webinar itself. Sometimes, people, I think, come into webinars and they try to throw the whole kitchen sink into one webinar. Sometimes they try to go too light, they want to do a 20 minute because they don't think people would stick around too long.

Talk just a little bit about that kind of thought that you've seen people come to you with. What should I include in a single webinar? How long should it be? Those types of things that tend to kind of normalize into a best practice.

Daniel: So, 60 minutes on average is still the most common time frame for a webinar. I think I said this earlier, about 61 minutes is the average time people spend on webinars. So, you've got a high chance that they're actually going to be there for the full 60 minutes. Now, that means you want to go deep and you want to have really meaty content that is actionable and that people can take away.

Have this be something that really goes in-depth on the topic that you're teaching about. That can mean either you cover one topic broadly and you don't go as deep, or it can mean you go on one very specific sub-aspect. So, let's say if I host webinars, I might do one on just promotion. I can spend 45 minutes talking about webinar promotion. Then, I might have another webinar and I actually do, Webinar 101, where I talk about the whole webinar process, and that ends up being 60 minutes of like, "Hey, here are all the different steps in the process," doesn't give you the same level of depth, but it gives you a broad understanding.

People are definitely willing to listen, willing to stay on, and they expect that you deliver on whatever it is they're challenged with. So, the worst thing you can do is deliver a sales pitch. Now, it doesn't mean that there is no room for a sales pitch on a webinar. There definitely is, but you want to deliver value and build trust first, and then earn the right to actually pitch them on whatever it is that you offer.

Bob: Cool, and are you finding that people who drive towards more of a sales conversation after the fact do really well, or those that are putting together great value, but they are asking for the specific sale before that hour is up, tend to do well?

Daniel: So, you will do better if you actually make your pitch part of the live event, and get people when they're willing to act. There are multiple ways to do that, right? Like, you can do the relatively pushy, solopreneur way, and I'm probably not the best teacher for that one. That can work depending on your audience, right? If you have a more traditional audience, there's another way that you can have maybe a little more of a lightweight pitch and achieve similar results.

So, here's the way that we do this.

About two-thirds into the webinar when I've delivered the content and I've taught a specific way or a specific solution that will solve the people's problems, then I set up, "Hey, if you're..." Actually, I'll launch a poll in the webinar and I say, "Hey if you're looking to act on this now, raise your hand. Or, either a follow up with someone on our team, or for a one-to-one conversation with me" or with whoever the presenter is, or, "No thanks, I'm good for now."

The more you can tailor these answers, these are pretty generic, but if you know your audience well and you can tailor these answers to their specific use cases, so, "Hey, I'm a so-and-so, and I have this and this specific problem. Can you talk to me or can you have a consulting session with me?" Right? Like, that ends up driving a really high number of people that actually raise their hand for a follow-up.

So if you're in a traditional B2B sales environment where, typically, you would follow up after the webinar, and flows through your marketing automation system, gets assigned to someone. If you're in that type of environment, you are going to see better results if you pull it into the session itself when people are ready to act.

You can still follow-up later, and it doesn't have to be you, right? Like, you can route this to your sales team. If you manage to set up a process that routes this, give sales reps an idea of what was said on the webinar and what kind of questions that this prospect or customer asks, and you enable them to follow-up on that, you will see pretty out-sized results in terms of conversions from the event itself.

Keep your webinar attendees engaged

Bob: You've just brought up something else that I wanted to touch on, which is the whole polling aspect of things during webinars. So, keeping people engaged, keeping people on an excited, maybe even wanting to come back to whatever next webinar you put on, or tell other people they should go, make sure to be part of your next webinar. What are some of those engagement tricks, that are included, that seem to be super helpful?

Daniel: You start right at the beginning in terms of setting the right tone. So start with an icebreaker, and this can be as simple as just as people come in. I like to start a little early, three, five minutes early, and as people come in, I call out a couple of people by name saying, "Hey Bob, thanks for being here. Thanks for coming on," and then I ask people to like, "What's outside your window? What are you seeing right now? Where are you?" That kind of stuff.

Or, you can be a little more formalized and have an icebreaker that ties in with whatever your topic is. So, I'm a German. I liked David Hasselhoff, as all Germans do. So on one of the webinars where we talked about including and integrating video with your webinars, my icebreaker was a picture of David Hasselhoff in bathing shorts, Baywatch style, and then the question, "Hey, what was the TV show you binged most on when you were a kid?"

Now, your icebreaker should be like a super easy low-ball question that everybody will be able to answer outright. Ideally, it ties into your topic. And ideally, it should be fun. So in this case, everybody instantly has some TV shows that they think about and that they're all wanting to share because it's something positive in their life that they had fun with, right?

Now, this is your opportunity to pick those up. You ask people to put that in the chat, put it in the Q&A, and you pick up on these different answers, and you could just comment. Have a fun time with them. Do this like for two, three, four minutes, and that just sets a different tone, and it gets people to interact with the webinar tool, pulls them into the session.

They've already participated. Any level of participation means people are going to be more engaged all throughout, and they're going to stay on longer. So, that is one tip. Starting light and starting with a fun tone.

We already talked about polls, right? If you do not include a poll on your webinar, I will come and hunt you down because you always should include a poll in your webinar.

I try to aim for two or three. A, it engages people, right? People want to participate and interact. Then, it also gives you pretty good information, right? You can use that to understand who's there, right? Like, "Hey, are you a beginner, or an intermediate, or advanced" in whatever topic we're talking about, right? It gives you an understanding of how you should tailor your content.

Or, you can generate quick stats from it. Maybe have a yes, no question. I asked, for example, on one of the webinars, I ask the full question, "Hey, the presenter on webcam, is that engaging or is it distracting?" Well, 83% of people said, "It's engaging," right? So, you have a clear stat that you can then use in social media and so on. You'd also use it for segmentation, "Which kind of use case are you using this for?" And so on, which is then information that you can pull into your marketing automation system or CRM system to tailor your messaging in the future.

So, these are a couple of great ways to use polls. Those are really two ways, icebreakers, and polls that are great at just engaging nuggets.

Then, getting on video definitely is, too. So, people being able to see you also make it makes a big difference. So, always turn on that camera.

Bob: Excellent. One of the things just to call out here, when you talk about polls, for clarity of the audience, we're not just talking about, "Hey, here's a question I have, type it into the Q&A box." it's deliberately the mechanism of a poll where they select a radio button that then gets registered as an answer so that you can pass that over to your CRM.

Obviously, you can get the question and the answers, too, but it's a little bit more difficult to weed through all that post-event and have it be super useful, especially if you have over a hundred different attendees or more on your event.

Daniel: That's right.

Bob: Awesome.

Mistakes to avoid with your webinars

Bob: So, I think my last question for you, Daniel, I know that we've covered a lot of ground, is I'm sure that there are some critical mistakes that you just see people repetitively making. As you mentioned, you want to hunt them down and make sure that they are not making those mistakes anymore. I think I remember seeing on your LinkedIn something about how you are on a mission to rid the world of boring and crappy webinars or something like that.

Daniel: That's right.

Bob: What are two or three mistakes that seem like they maybe they were best practices at one time, or maybe it's just the habits that people have been into that you think really sabotage their results that they can avoid altogether?

Daniel: I think one is just not engaging. So your typical, "Hey, here's 40 minutes of me reading my slides," and then there is like 10 minutes of Q&A. That is, unfortunately, the typical format for most webinars. If you have any way to mix that up, so either through interaction, if you're presenting by yourself, that's fine, right? But, try to bring in those interaction moments, and try to give the audience an opportunity to engage and interact with you all throughout.

All right? So, that's one thing.

The other is just terrible slides. Come on. It's not that hard to put a slide together. Go grab a presentation template. By the way, I have a webinar presentation template in another kit that I have ready. So, this is the perfect question to bring that in. Danielwaas.com/leadpages.

That has a presentation template included that already has some good slides. So, all you need to do is put your logo on it, and change the color scheme, and you're off to the races. So, there's really no excuse for poor slides. If a template doesn't really help you, go get someone to produce some slides. There is a ton of side design agencies out there that are going to be more than willing to help you with your slides.

So, that is an opportunity for you to brand yourself, and be in tune and in line with whatever your corporate brand is if you are speaking on behalf of companies. So, don't miss that opportunity.

Try to go for font size 32 at a minimum. Less text, more slides, it's okay to have many slides, but just try to go for one idea per slide and you keep the text light. Those are probably some mistakes that I see that I find annoying, and that aren't that hard to fix. So, I think you can do it.

Bob: Yeah, definitely. I think if I could add one, it would be, let's kill off some animation on your slides. I don't think you need to rotate every letter into the slide or anything like that. Especially, if you're using technology where people are maybe watching on their phone or on different connection speeds. Then, it's just become super jittery when that happens. Don't want to do that.

Daniel, it was such a pleasure to get some of your wisdom from doing so many webinars. You've already mentioned these two gifts, but let's recap again where people can find two really great additional bits of wisdom from you. One was danielwaas.com/webinarstats. What's that about?

Daniel: So, that is GoToWebinar's Big Book of Webinars Stats updated for 2019. So I think in that one, we've analyzed 250,000 sessions run on GoToWebinar to figure out what's the best time frame to promote when's the best time to host this? All sorts of really useful webinars stats. That's, as you said, DanielWaas.com/webinarstats.

Bob: Awesome. Then again, at Danielwaas.com/leadpages, you've got a whole kit that people can use to jumpstart their webinar marketing. What's included in that?

Daniel: That's a good one, too. So, that has one workbook that walks you through how to get started with finding a good topic, finding good titles. So, that's in there. Then, you've got a couple of templates. A slide templates so you can just swipe that and make it your own, and you have a good presentation template for your webinar. It has a simple landing page template that you won't need because you're probably using Leadpages and they have awesome templates, but it also highlights some of the best practices for those.

Now then, it also has an email sequence. So, seven pre-made templates for the whole webinar email sequence from invites, to reminder emails, to follow-up emails. So, that's included as well. Again, you can take that and make it your own.

Then, a checklist but has everything you ever needed to do while you're doing a webinar from when to start preparing, to what to do, to how to engage to how to follow-up. So, that's all included in that package and that DanielWaas.com/leadpages for that one.

Bob: Excellent. As we do say goodbye, where can people connect with you in the socials to say, "Thanks for such a great call," and to continue any conversations they may want to have?

Daniel: Yes, please hit me up. The best places are probably LinkedIn and Twitter. I'm DanielWaas on LinkedIn, and I'm also @DanielWaas on Twitter. It shouldn't be too hard to find me. there are not that many people with that weird German name.

Bob: Okay. Excellent. Well, thanks again so much, Daniel, for being here. Those of you listening, I look forward to seeing your webinars ramp up in their excellence because of what you learned today. Thanks again.

Daniel: Yes, and shout them out to us, right? Like, let us know what you hosted, where you host them. I'd love to take a peek and see what you've been doing with this info.

Bob: Excellent.

Daniel: Thanks so much, Bob.

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