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[Free Download] For Authors: The Perfect Landing Page to Sell Your Next Kindle Book

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 12, 2014  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
Leadpages Team
By The Leadpages Team
Use this book sales page template to sell more copies of your kindle book or ebook in the kindle marketplace

Click here to view Write. Publish. Repeat. on Amazon. [cta-box]

If you’re an author or an aspiring author who’s thinking about self-publishing your own book, you’ll want to pay particular attention to this video. We’ve discussed in previous videos that Amazon started selling more Kindle books than regular print books back in 2012. A vast number of these Kindle books had been self-published, meaning the person that wrote the book handles everything from designing a book to getting it set up in the Kindle marketplace and marketing it. In fact Amazon came out and said that 25% of the top Kindle books in the US were all self-published last year. So to say there’s a huge market for self-published Kindle books would be an understatement. This fact also means there’s a lot of noise in the Kindle book or eBook marketplace. Since the barrier to entry is small, the amount of competition increases making it harder to get noticed. It becomes more important than ever to have a plan to stand out. Without a dedicated plan to market and sell your book, you fade into the sea of other self-published authors selling their Kindle books. Just publishing your book in the Kindle store no longer cuts it. Basically it boils down to no one cares about your book until you capture their attention and show them why they should care.

Here at LeadPages, we see the self-publishing movement as a huge opportunity for authors to get their content out into the world. So we created the book Sales Page to give you an edge when marketing and selling your own self-published book. We’d like to give a shoutout to LeadPages super users and self-publishing experts Sean Platt, Johnny B. Truant and David Right for contributing the basic design for this template. If you haven’t checked out their book, Write, Publish, Repeat, yet, do so if you want to self-publish your next book. A link to the book below this video.

So we took the basic design Sean, Johnny, and David shared with us and optimized it for maximum conversions and sales. As you can see, this page is not only stunning, it features everything you need to market and sell your own self-published Kindle book. That includes space for your books, powerful headline, a big book image so people can see the conceptualized version of the book they’re buying, as many bullets as you need to hook your readers on buying your book. You can suddenly mention your book’s five star rating on Amazon using the Amazon style stars right here then you have a seal that can be used to describe your book’s number one rating or benefit and these buttons here are designed to mimic the style of the buttons in each of these marketplaces to help create the familiarity. People are used to seeing these style buttons in marketplaces like Amazon for example. The more familiar people are with something, the more secure they’ll feel ultimately leading them to click the button.

Here you’re able to put your powerful testimonials to let other people do the talking for you. The author’s biosection let your visitors form an emotional connection with you by learning a little about you and seeing your face. And then at the bottom of the page, there’s a call to action button for them to purchase your book. This page is also mobile responsive so it adjust to display correctly on any size screen. We’d love to hear what you think of this brand new fully optimized book sales page so tell us one word you’d use to describe it in the comments below this video.

Now let’s go into LeadPages and customize this page. Go to my.LeadPages.net and enter your username and password. Now that we’ve logged in, find the book’s sales page and click use this template. Select the market that you’re in. Now like with all pages inside of LeadPages, you simply click on something to edit it. So I’m going to update my headline for the book then all the text sections underneath the headline as well so I can create enough curiosity to get people to either read further or click the buy button. Since I’m not a best seller yet, I’m going to update this ribbon image to reflect my biggest benefit.

Then I’ll update the book image with an image of my book and a note here, you want this image to be a 3D book cover with a transparent background. If you don’t have the skills to create one of these you can find many people on Fiver.com that can do a great job for only $5. Now something really cool about this page is this bullet section is dynamic so it expands or contracts depending on the amount of bullets you use. Another cool thing is you can turn off any section you don’t want to use by hiding it. So let’s say I’m just starting out and I haven’t gotten any testimonials yet, I’ll turn this section off until I can get some to put into the testimonials section.

Now let’s move back up and link the buttons to the correct pages. You can just click on a button and enter in the shopping cart URL. If you'd like to use a different store, you can upload your button image and link to that store just as easily. Now I’ll add my picture to the author section, update my name. Now I’m going to hide the author 2 box since I wrote the book and I have no coauthors. I’ll need to add my copy to the about me section and there are two separate columns here to give you the most flexibility for how your copy will be laid out. Now that I’m done customizing, I’ll name the page then I’ll save the page. Once I hit publish, the page is now live on the internet and LeadPages gives me a URL that I can go to to immediately view the page. So we’ll go there and check out the page and here’s the page we just created and it looks fantastic.

Back in the publishing window, we have a few more options. You can publish the page to WordPress, publish the page to Facebook as a Facebook tab or finally you can download the file and put it on your own server. If you’re not a LeadPages customer, you will need to be a coder or hire a coder to make the downloadable template below work. For nonLeadPages customers, it’s a bit more difficult to set up. Here’s what you’ll need to do if you’re not a LeadPages customer.

If you’re a developer, click on the link below and opt in to get the book sales page and our LeadMagnet delivery system will deliver it to you. Modify the HTML and CSS using your coding skills or the coder you’ve hired, integrate the page with your autoresponder, WordPress etc., get your landing page code that you’ve generated and finally publish the page. So these are all the steps that you’ll need to take if you’re not a LeadPages customer. We found that if you’re not a LeadPages customer, typically it will cost around $300 for a coder to customize and publish the page for you.

If you are a LeadPages customer, you can customize the page and have it live online within five minutes. In fact, you don’t need to download the template, it’s already in the member’s area where LeadPages handles everything for you including making the page mobile responsive, sending out a LeadMagnet, integrating the page with Facebook, WordPress, and so on as well as integrating the pages with your autoresponder like AWeber, MailChimp, Infusion Soft, Office Autopilot etc. Plus if you use this page with LeadPages, you’ll get amazing analytics and if you’re a pro or enterprise member, you’ll get the ability to run split test on different variations of the page.

Head to www.LeadPages.net, click on the button below the video to get LeadPages. If you’re unsure which plan to go with, we recommend the pro annual plan as it comes with the majority of the features we have and it’s 40% cheaper than paying monthly. So join us at the pro level.

I’m Jeff Wenberg and I’ll see you in the LeadPages member’s area.

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Leadpages Team
By The Leadpages Team
Use this book sales page template to sell more copies of your kindle book or ebook in the kindle marketplace
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