1. Afrifitness: Class Signup Leadbox™
What Stands Out: This landing page from Lagos-based fitness studio Afrifitness combines staged and real-life imagery to powerful effect, from the header’s candid shot of a class in progress to the delightful image of a dancer in mid-air that graces the Leadbox. (Click through to watch the excellent landing page video, too, if you have a minute to dance at your desk.) “It's really easy to reserve your place,” the page promises, and the Leadbox delivers. It asks for just two pieces of information and keeps the instructions as clear as they can be—reminding us that an easy, pleasant user experience can be as powerful a marketing tool as any headline you might dream up. If you can replace some element of your signup process with a simple Leadbox like this one, you may well see your signup rates rise.
What Stands Out: Cleaning-business maven Angela Brown of SavvyCleaner.com takes a bold approach to her homepage: it’s totally devoted to her free e-book, a massively useful resource on its own that also serves as a lead-in to her training and coaching programs. The Leadbox she uses to distribute the book packs a lot of information into a clean (of course) and strongly branded design. I especially admire how succinctly Angela’s been able to work the benefits of her book into this small space. The graphic reminds visitors that it’s free and available to “download now, keep forever”—true of any PDF, but a benefit all the same. She also makes sure we understand the real-world impact of reading the book, promising you can “Be up and running in your new business in 1 week.” The entire strategy is savvy indeed.
What Stands Out: Some people think that attention-grabbing online marketing has to reach for the brightest colors and biggest promises to succeed. This Leadbox for an e-course on essential oils does things differently, recognizing that an in-your-face approach would clash with the page’s message of health and inner calm. A petal-peach button matches the banner and arrow in the e-course image, creating a visual through-line straight to the call to action. The copy emphasizes the immediate benefits of signing up, exclaiming “Enter Your Email Address to Begin the Course!”
4. Academy of Dance: Workshop Leadbox
What Stands Out: This fun, kid-friendly page for a free acrobatic dance workshop gets one of the most visually striking Leadboxes I’ve seen. An inspiringly skilled young gymnast in spring green pops against the lilac background and button, posing to demonstrate the kind of moves students might learn if they attend. This Leadbox has more form fields than average opt-in form, but it makes sense in the context of registering for a class. In fact, it’s a nice alternative to the kind of multi-page signup form you might encounter elsewhere. It strikes a smart balance between getting as many opt-ins as possible and ensuring that those who opt in are actually a good fit for the class.
5. Jet Lyfe: “Sold Out” Leadbox
What Stands Out: This page from Jet Lyfe advertises a novel product: a scratch-off map that lets globetrotters show off how much of the globe they’ve covered. And it boasts an equally novel use for Leadboxes. The buy buttons would normally trigger a checkout process, but because the product’s currently sold out, Jet Lyfe has simply switched in a Leadbox link. This way, prospective customers who’ve become highly interested in the product have a way to be notified when it’s back in stock (instead of just bouncing away from the page when they see a “Sold Out” message. As a consolation prize, they’re promised a 50% discount via a promo code they’ll get when they opt in.
6. Bryan Cohen: Book Series Leadbox
What Stands Out: You’d expect a novelist to come up with some appealing copy for his opt-in page, and Bryan Cohen delivers with this simple squeeze page and Leadbox. He leads with intrigue, featuring a stormy image and the teaser “Good thing this nerd has superpowers …” Once you click the button, Bryan takes the opportunity to share a little more about his books, inviting visitors to “start reading the witty, action-packed series today!” The text packs personality into a small space, as does the fine print: “You know who hates spam? Us. You won’t get it. Meanwhile, a compelling image of the book cover adds new context to the page background, generating a sense of suspense that can only be satisfied by downloading the books.
What Stands Out: Here’s another novel spot for a Leadbox: on your login page. Anyone who arrives here will either be a member or not, and both groups have options. In this case, The Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild isn’t currently accepting new members, so the page lets new visitors down easy with inviting copy—“The next enrollment period is coming soon, and we'd love to welcome you to this vibrant, growing community!”—and this Leadbox. There’s extra incentive to sign up for notifications inside: Jerry promises to send free writing tips every week until registration opens again. The lovely black-and-white headshot adds additional warmth to a pleasant experience that might have been disappointing in less careful hands.
8. MakerSquare: Free Class Leadbox
What Stands Out: Most software engineers spend lots of time wrangling raw code, and I sense a compatible desire to get directly to the important technical details in this elegant landing page from coding bootcamp MakerSquare, built with Leadpages’ new drag-and-drop builder. (Because coders also know when the best solution is to work within an existing platform.) This Leadbox is notable partly for how well it fits with the rest of the page, done up in an understated palette of blue, gray, and white. A company like this needs to appear knowledgeable, authoritative, and modern, and a minimalistic approach is often the best way to do that—especially when you have something that sells itself as readily as a free class on an in-demand skill. It’s also notable for its dropdown menu, which lets applicants immediately choose the class time they prefer. One especially smart addition: the option to select “a future date,” so prospective students with time constraints can still express their interest and stay informed.
What Stands Out: If someone reaches the footer of your site without having taken another action, there’s an opportunity you need to be ready to seize. That person is invested enough to scroll all the way down—but if they don’t find anything to engage with at this point in their journey, they’re pretty unlikely to return to search again. Photographers Connection makes this last-ditch effort a strong one. A big, colorful badge illustration triggers the Leadbox, which is just as visually appealing. Meanwhile, the copy finds a way to quantify the benefits of opting in: namely, “over $300 in FREE goodies.” It suggests you’re basically turning down free money if you continue on your path away from the site, and it’s a powerful incentive to opt in.
What Stands Out: Visitors interested in signing up for Latin American entrepreneur-support community Pymerang get a nice surprise: this attractive Leadbox offers a free book, Starting a Business Without Money, as a signup bonus. It also reminds them what they’ll get by joining the community—actionable business advice—and lets them quickly sign up for the content that’s most relevant to them by selecting whether they’re a student, employee, independent professional, or business owner. I especially like how Pymerang has applied their branding to this Leadbox. By using a header image with a white background, they’re able to make their logo and website float over the top of the Leadbox. The gray double border adds some extra visual authority, tying this somewhat complex Leadbox together nicely. To spin up an effective signup bonus for your own audience, don’t forget to grab our new PDF before you go: [cta-box]
Share Your Leadboxes with Us!
We’d love to see any Leadboxes you’ve recently implemented. Leave a comment below and let us know where we can find them! Or, if you don’t have a Leadbox to share, tell us which of the 10 examples above was your favorite. Thanks to all the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup!