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[Split Test] Which 404 Page Copy Increased Opt-Ins by 68.45%?

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Mar 30, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
Leadpages Team
By The Leadpages Team
Coachglue 404 New Blog 795x447

Oh no, a 404 error! All is lost, right?! Wrong! The LeadPages™ Not found 404 page is a great way to stop the bleeding if someone lands in the wrong place on your website via a bad link, malfunction, etc.. With this specific template, you can turn a bounce into an opt-in, just like that! CoachGlue.com shows us how it's done with this split test on their 404 landing page body copy to determine how to best match their visitors’ motivations:

  • Version A: Free Video Shows Secret to How your Competition is Creating Their Coaching Programs with LESS Work and GREATER Profits!
  • Version B: We Spend Thousands So you Don’t Have To. Create Your Next Coaching Program with LESS Work and GREATER Profits!

Which version do you think increased this simple 404 landing page's opt-ins by 68.45%? Vote below to reveal the winning split test page and our analysis.[split_test id="4884"]

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Leadpages Team
By The Leadpages Team
Coachglue 404 New Blog 795x447
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